
Our Contact Information:

Mr. Ramesh Ranjit 
Email: rk_mic@yahoo.com 
Mobile : 9841 242152

Mr. Sudarshan Suwal 

Director (Production and Quality Control) 
(AA Class Thanka Specialist and National Level Professional Artist (Painter)
27 years of professional Thanka painting experience, Biodata of Artist
Email : ssuwal@mos.com.np
Mobile : 98510 98930

Mr. Suwal has been recognized as the national level professional artist (painter) in the official text book ("Introduction to Nepal" for intermediate level (10+2) education in Nepal.

Ward No. 2, Sanepa, Lalitpur,
P.O.Box No: 24345, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone No. 977-1-5526504
Email: ssuwal@mos.com.np

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